Friday, September 14, 2012

A little about CodeIgniter :
CodeIgniter (CI) is a PHP framework that is opensource.
What is a framework? Framework is a collection of many modules as well as in the form of class libraries that can be reused to create a larger web application modules using an existing class. CI was developed by the developers of EllisLab, Inc.. and can be downloaded free of charge at the address
Some advantages of CodeIgniter (CI) were:
* Equity opensource: One of the most obvious advantages of the CI is a framework can be used and developed legally.
* Performance is very light: at CI Class library is only used when requested by the user, so it is only used when needed. This causes very mild CI if executed.
* Using the MVC model: MVC stands for "Model View Controller", this model separates the program logic files, databases and display.
* Class library complete: CI packaged in a set of class libraries that are reliable enough to complete the process of making a website, such as database access, form validation, session handling, sending email, etc..
* Many communities: the number of CI community, allows us to share knowledge and information about the CI between users with other users.
* Documentation is complete: CI have a good and complete documentation to help beginners who want to learn CI. Documentation available on the official website can be found on page CI
* Etc..
Some of the features provided CodeIgniter (CI), among others:
* Form validation and data
* Security and XSS filter
* Class for sending e-mail, attachments, HTML / Text email, etc..
* Data Encryption
* Class file uploads
* Paging page
* Library for manipulating images
* Shopping chart
* Friendly URL
* Class for calendar date
* Etc..
To learn more about CI's you can see the video tutorial below

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