Saturday, September 15, 2012

Tips selingkuh yang aman ^-^

halooo para blogerr mania,,, mmmhhh,,,, disini kalian semua bisa ungkapin unek2 kalian, atau mau masukin saran,tips juga boleh,, tapi jangan asal asalan yah.. dikesempatan ini gw mw ngasih tips yang aman dalam selingkuh..
bukan bermaksud ngajarin yang jelek, tp g dipungkirin jaman sekarang cow atau cew doyan banget selingkuh,, ya tentunya karena ada faktor yang ngedukung kuat jg boouu... mungkin karena pasangan luu yang udah g perhatian,, atau lu nya aja yang punya sifat sk selingkuh,,hehehe.. so buat lu pada yang mau selingkuh ini dia tips n trik nya :
1. Jangan melakukan lebih 2x, karena kalau lebih dari 2x perasaan lo akan berbicara. Kalau udah begini tahi kucing bisa srasa coklat. Keluarga di rumah bisa nggak diingat.
2. Cari partner selingkuh yang sejajar baik dari segi ekonomi maupun mental. Kalau partner selingkuh lo ekonomi lemah, lo akan diporoti habis-habisan. lo akan ditelpon 57x sehari. Kursi yang lo duduki bisa panas bagai bara.
3. Bila partner selingkuh sudah menunjukkan gejala-gejala cinta, segera tinggalkan. Kalau lo terlambat maka partner selingkuh lo akan berubah jadi "ingus". Kalau udah nempel ditangan, dikibas-kibas kagak mau lepas...ampuuuuun kasian deh loeee.
4. Jangan mengobral harapan, terutama kalau partner lo termasuk berwajah cantik/ganteng tapi IQ jongkok. lo bisa dikejar terus dengan janji lo yang mau mengawini, membelikan ini, itu dll.
5. Bikin perjanjian di depan, semacam pre-nuptial agreement begitu. Bahwa hubungan ini hanya akan begini dan begitu dan tak lebih dan tak kurang dari itu.
6. Hal terpenting dalam dunia perselingkuhan, jangan sampai lo jatuh cinta. Kalau lo type yang mesti jatuh cinta kalau selingkuh, lebih baik lo kawin lagi atau cerai dan kawin lagi.
7. Jangan sekali-kali berpikir untuk menekan "per unit cost". Kalau lo type pelit lebih baik tidak usah coba-coba selingkuh, kecuali kalau lo di pihak yang "diongkosi".
8. Lakukan pada siang/pagi hari, lebih sulit dilacak dan lebih mudah dan banyak waktu untuk menghilangkan jejak.
9. Kelemahan lo adalah identitas lo, cari juga kelemahan partner selingkuh lo. Sehingga score tetap 1:1 terus.
10. Jangan lupa pakai "protection".
Cateeeeeeeeeeeeeetttttttttttttttttttttttttttt :o)
gimana??mmmhhh..ini juga menurut para ahli sihh.. so selamatmencoba yah..kalo berhasil please kasih kabar,, kalo g yaaahhh berarti lu g berbakat jadi play boy... ^_^


1. Kalo gebetan bilang: "Entar deh, gue pikir-pikir dulu."
Elo bilang: "Boleh, tapi apa yang gue bilang tadi itu keluar dari perasaan lho…"
2. Kalo gebetan bilang: "Mmm, kayaknya kita mendingan temenan aja deh."
Elo bilang: "Yaaah…! Temen gue udah banyak… Sekarang gue butuh pacar!"
3. Kalo gebetan gagap: "Gu… gu… gue… ee…."
Elo bilang: "Sstt… Elo nggak usah ngomong apa-apa, gue udah tau kalo elo pasti mau bilang iya." (Kalo doi emang gagap beneran, mending buru-buru lo bawa ke dokter deh!)
4. Kalo gebetan bilang: "Gue belum boleh pacaran sama ortu."
Elo bilang: "Tenang! Gue nggak bakalan bilang sama ortu lo!"
5. Kalo gebetan bilang: "Gue mau konsentrasi belajar, belum mau pacaran."
Elo bilang: "Gue juga. Tapi gue pengen terus belajar sama elo…."
6. Kalo gebetan bilang: "Gue udah punya cowok."
Elo bilang: "Tapi elo masih punya lho kesempatan dapetin cowok yang lebih baik, contohnya gue." (Hmm.. Biar bisa dipake, tapi mending lo pikir-pikir dulu deh, ngegebet cewek orang!)
7. Kalo gebetan diem aja.
Elo bilang: "Diem berarti iya nih. Kalo gitu sekarang kita pacaran…hehehe.

Friday, September 14, 2012

As its title suggests, this post is a continuation of the previous post Simple CRUD with CodeIgniter. If previously we've made a simple CRUD program, now we will add to it with the form validation and message information.
As before, we have to set the configuration in the file library and helper autoload.php. This time kitambahkan form_validation library and session.
1.$autoload['libraries'] = array('database', 'form_validation', 'session');
2.$autoload['helper'] = array('form', 'url');
As for the configuration database in database.php file remains the same.
1. $db['default']['hostname'] = 'localhost';
2. $db['default']['username'] = 'root';
3. $db['default']['password'] = '';
4. $db['default']['database'] = 'ci';
The database name used is "ci" and the name of the table "cd"....
`kode_cd` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`judul` varchar(50) default NULL,
`kategori` varchar(25) default NULL,
`stok` int(11) default '0',
`harga` int(11) default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`kode_cd`)
Coding models on file crud_model.php also remained the same.
While coding for the controller is in the file crud.php there is a change. With form_validation library we can define rules for each field. For example, the field "title" must not be empty, the field "stock" must be a positive integer, and so on.
Coding crud_view.php view the file also contained perbuahan. To display the error message for each field, we add the code As below.
After all the coding on the model, controller and view are wrong, then we run the application by typing in the browser http://localhost/ci/index.php/crud. Then it will perform CRUD application page as below.
After that we try to incorporate input validation testing empty, if validation success then it will appear as below.
FYI, in addition to display the error message in each field, CodeIgniter can also display all the error messages manjadi 1. The way is to write a single line of code that is only ,
Then automatically all the error messages will be tempil to 1. For more clearly seen in

Simple CRUD with CodeIgniter

As its title suggests, in this post I will give an example of a simple tutorial CRUD using CodeIgniter. CRUD stands for Create Read Update Delete. Of course, this requires a CRUD database to hold the data that will be processed.
Before entering the program code, we first set the configuration in the file library and helper autoload.php. This configuration is useful so that libraries and helpers that we use to load automatically when the application is run. Here's library and helper used.
1. $autoload['libraries'] = array('database');
2. $autoload['helper'] = array('form', 'url');
Do not forget to also set in the database configuration file database.php. Here's an example of my database configuration. Oh yeah, I use CodeIgniter in this
example is codeigniter version 2.0.2.
1. $db['default']['hostname'] = 'localhost';
2. $db['default']['username'] = 'root';
3. $db['default']['password'] = '';
4. $db['default']['database'] = 'ci';

After that we create a database with the name "ci" and a table named "cd".
2. USE ci;
3. CREATE TABLE `cd` (
4. `kode_cd` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
5. `judul` varchar(50) default NULL,
6. `kategori` varchar(25) default NULL,
7. `stok` int(11) default '0',
8. `harga` int(11) default '0',
9. PRIMARY KEY (`kode_cd`)
Type text or a website address or translate a document. Cancel Example usage of "": automatically translated by Google English Japanese Thai Alpha After all the configurations sorted out, we created a model with the name of the folder crud_model.php models.
Create a controller in the folder with the name crud.php controllers.
And finally create a view with the name crud_view.php in folder views.
To run the application in the browser type http://localhost/ci/index.php/crud. Then it will perform CRUD application page as below.

A little about CodeIgniter :
CodeIgniter (CI) is a PHP framework that is opensource.
What is a framework? Framework is a collection of many modules as well as in the form of class libraries that can be reused to create a larger web application modules using an existing class. CI was developed by the developers of EllisLab, Inc.. and can be downloaded free of charge at the address
Some advantages of CodeIgniter (CI) were:
* Equity opensource: One of the most obvious advantages of the CI is a framework can be used and developed legally.
* Performance is very light: at CI Class library is only used when requested by the user, so it is only used when needed. This causes very mild CI if executed.
* Using the MVC model: MVC stands for "Model View Controller", this model separates the program logic files, databases and display.
* Class library complete: CI packaged in a set of class libraries that are reliable enough to complete the process of making a website, such as database access, form validation, session handling, sending email, etc..
* Many communities: the number of CI community, allows us to share knowledge and information about the CI between users with other users.
* Documentation is complete: CI have a good and complete documentation to help beginners who want to learn CI. Documentation available on the official website can be found on page CI
* Etc..
Some of the features provided CodeIgniter (CI), among others:
* Form validation and data
* Security and XSS filter
* Class for sending e-mail, attachments, HTML / Text email, etc..
* Data Encryption
* Class file uploads
* Paging page
* Library for manipulating images
* Shopping chart
* Friendly URL
* Class for calendar date
* Etc..
To learn more about CI's you can see the video tutorial below